24 August 2009

Pepper Patch

pepper patch, originally uploaded by thegreenvinecoop.

We don't have a peck of peppers to pick yet but we have a few.

Be not afraid

be not afraid, originally uploaded by thegreenvinecoop.

Be not afraid in the U Street Corridor

coffee repurpose

coffee repurpose, originally uploaded by thegreenvinecoop.

Leftover coffee containers from the office repurposed as mouseproof bulk containers!

18 August 2009

When it Used to Rain in Washington DC

Originally uploaded by thegreenvinecoop
One day, back during the times of rain in Washington DC, our house decided to have an adventure to Red Rocks, the local pizzeria. Our former housemate Ben was moving out, and we thought a proper farewell was in store. Red Rocks has fantastic outdoor seating that we were all extremely excited to enjoy together on such a cool and breezy summer afternoon.

Little did we know the evening would turn into a memory of torrent and deluge. Of soaking clothing and moist pizza. Of belly-aching laughter and sticking it out just because. Of broken traffick lights and impromtu citizenship.

When it used to rain in Washington DC, us green-viners made quite the memory...

What unexpected memories have you made in the rain? I'd love to hear stories and see pictures in the comments below.

peace & rain dances,

Vegan Potluck Picnic and Open Mic on 9/13 - 1pm

The Green Vine Co-op will be hosting it's second vegan potluck/open mic!! This time we are changing it up a little bit. It will be on Sunday, September 13th at 1pm (the weekend after labor day)!!

Bring your favorite vegan dish or drink to share!

Share some food with good people and good music. Check out developments in our garden. Sing, dance, talk and eat some more.
If you are smart and eco-friendly, bring your own reusable plate/fork!

We hope to see you there!!
Check out our facebook event.
Any questions email, thegreenvinecoop@gmail.com.

-The Green Vine Co-op

09 August 2009

NEW Bike Co-op in Petworth!!

I have great news!! There is now a bike co-op in Petworth. It is called The Bike House (http://www.thebikehouse.org/). I am currently a member of The Bike House.

We have been around since May and are coming into full swing. If you have a bike that needs some fixing or you just want to learn how to fix bikes please stop on by. We host a clinic every Saturday from 12:00pm to 3:00pm behind the coffee house, Qualia at 3917 Georgia Ave., NW (you can come through the coffee house or come through the back ally). Just bring in your parts and we can help you put it together. We do ask for a suggested donation of $5 to $10 so we can build a base to get a permanent space to consistently do our work.
Please feel free to stop on by on Saturdays or if you want to get more involved email, thebikehouse@gmail.com.