25 June 2009

Imagine D.C. without Cars...

Before living here I lived right outside the city in College Park, MD. It was nice but it was an 8-9 mile bike ride to work from there. Now that I live in the city I feel that there is no reason to have a car (I do own a car, but use it to go outside the city). I bike to work and its only 3 miles each way! Biking isn't only the best way to transport myself from place to place in the city, it's also one of the most relaxing things I do during the day and it keeps me fit (or scrawny). When I ride my bike I feel free, I know that sounds cheesy but it's true, it's just me and the bike and all my worries wither away. I love my bike so much, I got a tattoo of it on my leg! I have dreams where all cars are banned from the city and only bikers and walkers are allowed (maybe buses too).

I understand that this isn't the reality right now (or it might never be), but if we all start to ride our bikes, cars can't ignore us! This has happened in D.C. and it is one of the most improved bike friendly cities in the country. Bike lanes are springing up everywhere!

I also understand that people are scared about cars, with good reason, they are big, fast and can eat you (like monsters do). So it's all about building confidence on the road. The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) offers free classes to help build people's confidence on the road with those big scary cars. Feel free to visit their website at http://www.waba.org/. It's only $35 ($25 if you work for a non-profit) for a year membership and you get discounts at local bike shops.

I really believe that living sustainably doesn't only include eating a vegetarian diet but we must take steps to give up the privileges in life, like driving. Biking (and riding public transportation) is the only way to have a sustainable future and help give the boot to cars. So go out and get a bike and USE it!

1 comment:

  1. I am a wholehearted supporter of bikes taking over the city. I think everyone would be just a little more mellow after a nice bike ride.
